Once the stalk on an onion falls over, its ready to be harvested. It seems like all of ours fell over at once, even though we staggered the planting. Some plants are like that (green beans), but we're not sure if onions share that characteristic or if we just didn't notice they were ready until the whole bed laid down :D.
The fun thing about organic gardening is, once the prep work is done, you can pretty much ignore it until the food is ready. A quick glance now and again to make sure bugs aren't around and everything is watered nicely and you're golden. If the conditions are right, the plants should have enough internal resources to fend off disease themselves. Though it's not quite that simple, often, disease is caused by conditions not being optimum. Disease is assumed in the modern agricultural world but that approach is symptom based and narrow.
At any rate, these onions are small but potent! And we use onions is almost every recipe so we should have no problem using these up. We haven't figured out how to store onions for winter (nor have we tried), but once we go down that path, I'll shoot up a post about it.